Our partners provide in-kind and sponsorship support to Interact Support and our clients.


Family Property

Fiona Kirkman | CEO and Legal Co-Founder

All the tools you need to manage property and parenting family law matters into a single connected platform.

Designed and crafted for family law professional by family law specialists, and build by the award winning legal tech team that brought you LawSwitch.

FamilyProperty equips you with the tools you need to more efficiently run family property matters and mediations from start to finish. Complete intakes, populate balance sheets, model offers, manager disclosure, design parenting arrangements and generate documents in minutes instead of hours, and enjoy the efficiencies that come with having everything connected and streamlined. 

Mediation Institute

Joanne Law | Mi Director and Interact Support Co-Founder

Training and membership for dispute resolution professionals. Our mission is to train dispute resolution professionals who can provide dispute resolution services, early and as often as needed, to help people learn to self-manage disputes without them escalating into abuse and violence.

High Conflict Institute

Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter | Co-Founders

We help professionals and individuals understand high-conflict personalities in work and life, and teach what works when ordinary skills and strategies break down.

We are the experts in how to manage high risk and influence high conflict situations such as, divorce and separation, workplace disputes and family and young people.

Partnering Opportunities

We're always interested in hearing from other organisations. If you or your organisation is interested in partnering with us,
contact us today!