What we do

Online dispute resolution support, advice and information you can rely on.

Online Mediation Services

Online dispute diagnostic and dispute resolution services.

We offer flexible and accessible dispute resolution services to help resolve disputes. Work with a team of two qualified Mediators or Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners who will provide you with support, guidance and facilitation you need to work on a resolution.


Online Mediation

Family Dispute Resolution

Assistance in resolving parenting, financial and property settlement negotiations. 

Work with a team of two Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners who will provide you with the support, guidance and facilitation to work on a resolution. 

Post Separation Parenting Help and Free Safety Planning. 




Individualised training, mentoring, advising and empowerment all wrapped up together to support you achieving your goals. 

Access to a qualified dispute resolution coach qualified in dispute resolution to help you navigate a conflict situation. 




Transformative Relationship Mediation (TMR)

A no-blame transformative mediation process to help re-negotiate relationship rules.

Access to a mediator who can help you communicate respectfully, clarify the issues you are experiencing and to look at options to find a workable solution for both people.


Online Training

Access to New Ways for Families and Anger Management training. 

Self-paced online courses aimed at providing education on post separation parenting and an understanding of how and why conflict can harm your child.


We accept referrals and are happy to help. Who refers to Interact Support?

  • Lawyers –  clients who can’t afford legal fees or could resolve their dispute without legal action.
  • Mediators  –  clients who can’t afford mediator fees or if you have a conflict of interest.
  • Family Violence Services – client’s ‘screened out’ or stuck on a waiting list.
  • Anyone else who has a client who needs help.

We Care ABOUT You!